Hi, I'm Nicolas Bouffanais
I'm Full stack developer
I am an Engineer in Automation and Robotics with a specialization in Software Development, and I have over a year of experience in software development. While I am currently working in a different capacity, I am actively engaged in developing personal projects to further enhance my skills and expertise in this field. My experience spans both web development and backend technologies, with solid proficiency in managing SQL databases. I have worked with IoT devices and have a strong interest in building innovative solutions using Python, Golang, and TypeScript. My career goal is to transition fully into software development, focusing on creating impactful and optimized technological solutions.
Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Fast api
- Golang
- React
- Vue
- Tailwindcss
- NodeJS
- NestJS
- Express
- Docker
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
Some things i've done

Terminal app
Terminal app writing in golang that clear cache memories on multiples servers.

Telegram bot
Chatbot with web scraping and Telegram Api writing in golang.

Rooms App
Educational web app, responsive, build with NestJS, ReactJS and Prisma.

Ecommerce WebApp build with NestJS, ReactJS, PostgreSQL.
Trivia Game
This is a trivia game with five categoriesa and ranking.This project has authentication with firebase and was biuld with vue3 and Typescript.
Rest Api Express-TS
A Backend build with Express, Typescript and authentication using JWT and Bcrypt.
Blog Frontend developer
Guides and tips to start with JavaScript,CSS responsive, HTML5 and deployed on github pages.
Dashboard theme switcher
This is a Social media dashboard with theme switcher build with HTML, CSS GRID, CSS Flexbox y Javascript.
This project is about an app where the users can take a time slot and a counter that show how many motorcylces are available. This project was built with nextjs13.
This is a solution to the easybank-landing-page challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Interactive rating component
This is a solution to the interactive-rating-component-main app challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Advice generator
This is a solution to the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor.